Dear Elzora,
Before we left from Sweden to make the journey to visit our family and friends in Michigan, the teachers at your preschool asked if mommy would send pictures to your classmates of you and Starla during your big adventure in the US. Of course, I thought the best way to share the images from our trip was to use your blog.

Here is a picture of you and Starla waiting to board our first flight from Sweden to England. Yes, you were already bored!!

And here is picture of Starla enjoying a nice, refreshing Coca-Cola in London!!

During our 5 hour layover at Heathrow, you and Starla kept busy by coloring in your Toy Story and Tinkerbell coloring books!

Starla was very, very happy to return to her Michigan swing set Grandpa Mac built for you both last year. Aunt Miranda was very, very happy to have the opportunity to push Starla on the swing. Don't they look super happy?

You felt like Rapunzel when Aunt Jessie straightened your hair!!

Grandma/Mormor Mary Jo has a river in her backyard and you and your sister love feeding the geese dried corn. The little kitty, Bear, also likes to visit with the Canadian geese. Hopefully the swans will be back too before we leave!

Looking too cute for words after attending Gerry Lafemina's poetry reading at KCC!

Coloring Easter eggs!

After you finished with the eggs you and Starla went to bed and slept for 13 hours. When Aunta Miranda and Kayla went to wake you up the next day this is how you were sleeping!!

St. Helen's annual Easter egg hunt!

Easter morning!