Dear Elzora,
Before there was you, there was Tookie Loo!
Besides you, my dearest one, mommy has some very special girls in her life and one of them is named McKenna. She lives in Berkeley, California.
When McKenna was a little girl she would make up her own words and sometimes she would just yell out "Tookie!" Eventually I started calling her "Tookie" and that name evolved into "Tookie Loo." She calls me "Tookie" and together we have "Tookie Power!" I'm certain that you have Tookie Power, too.
Tookie Loo and her mommy, Auntie Christine, came all the way to Sweden to be here when you born. But!! You decided that you weren't quite ready to be born. You were due to arrive on September 23rd, but waited until October 9th to make your entrance. I think you wanted to be born in October, just like Tookie Loo. Her birthday is on October 31st, and she is going to be 8 years old this year.
Hopefully you will get the chance to spend a lot of time with Tookie Loo.
She loves you very, very much and she is a very special girl.
We love you, Tookie Loo!