Dear Elzora,
I was looking through a pregnancy memory book that I never filled out when I was pregnant with you and I found something very interesting. It was a letter that I wrote to you before you were born. Since I am probably never going to complete the book, or maybe I will use it for the new baby since he or she will not have her own blog, I thought that I would include it here for you to read one day.
May 15, 2007: The Night Before you California Ultrasound
Dear Sweet Baby,
Tomorrow I am having an ultrasound to try and figure out if you are a boy or a girl. Daddy and I are so excited! I am visiting Auntie Liisa and Uncle Jeremy in San Jose, California. Today Liisa and Jer found out that they are also going to have a baby. Our hearts are so filled with love and joy and excitement. It's a very special time for all of us.
Whether you turn out to be a boy or a girl, I know that I will love you more than I've ever loved anything in my entire life. I can't wait to be your mom! I love you so much.
Daddy will be on the phone during the ultrasound appointment. He is at home in Sweden. I will have the video camera, so that one day you will be able to watch the video of what you were like when you were only 7-12 inches long.
It's the best feeling knowing that you are cozy and safe inside my belly.
Sweet dreams, little one.
You are a girl!
They gave me a DVD after the ultrasound, so I didn't have to use the video camera.
Liisa and Jer's little baby wasn't quite ready for the world, yet. But I am very, very, very happy to report that Liisa is currently pregnant and has just reached the 2nd trimester and we are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of little baby boy Duggan in the spring/early summer... just after your little brother or sister is due to arrive.