Friday, December 11, 2009

First Visit to the Hair Salon!

Dear Elzora,

Yesterday you had your hair cut for the first time. As you can see from the pictures it was not a joy-filled experience for you despite our best efforts. Luckily Ulla had a delicious ice cream treat waiting for you and that seemed to raise your spirits tremendously.

Of course I am proud of you and I know how scary new experiences can be. I also know that one day you will love getting your hair done as much as mommy does.

You are gorgeous!


Gingerbread, Man!!

Dear Elzora,

This week began with baking gingerbread cookies (peppar kakor) at Siri's and ended with a celebration at school where you were dressed as a little gingerbread girl and you danced around the christmas tree, ate the cookies that you baked at school and sang traditional Swedish holiday songs.

Tomorrow we will have our annual holiday breakfast with our friends and then we will go to a Christmas market. I am looking forward to a fun day with you and papa and Starla.

Right now papa is on his way home from work and the two of you are going to the swim house!
Starla and mama are staying home to clean the house.
I think you and papa are going to have a lot more fun then mama and Starla.

Love you so much.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday, Farmor!

Dear Elzora,

Mommy has been falling behind in the blog department, but I didn't want to miss reporting a very special recent event. Farmor Bojan celebrated her 60th birthday on November 11th. We gave her a silver necklace with the names of her 3 favorite girls engraved into the pendant. I think that she really, really liked it. Farmor made us an awesome dinner and we had a really good time just being together.

Quincy Stirling celebrated her first birthday on November 11th as well. Hopefully we will get to go to Michigan very soon so that we can meet Quincy and her family.

Happy Belated Birthday to Farmor and Quincy!


PS Farmor and Farfar are taking us to Turkey next year so that we can celebrate their 60th year on the planet in style!! Thank you Farmor and Farfar!!!

A Dress With Cars

Dear Elzora,

Mama and papa bought you this dress for Valentine's Day 2008. We were on a trip to Stockholm to get your American passport. I took this picture of you when you were just 4 months old. The other picture is of Starla Grace at 8 months taken just the other day. You are both so adorable. Do you think that you look like one another? When we meet people they always say that you are very much the same, but it is hard for me to tell because you are both so unique and so different when it comes to your personalities. I love it. You are both the most gorgeous beauties I have ever seen.

Soon Santa comes! I am sure that he will bring you Pippi's papa's boat!!


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Artist in Residence!

Dear Elzora,

On Thursdays you don't have school and you spend your days at home with mama and Starla having all kinds of fun. Well this past Thursday you spent a lot of time in your room. You told me that you were making a picture for papa called "Papa's Eyes" or "Papa's Ögon" in Swedish. You actually worked on the picture throughout the day and you even emptied out your Lego bin so that you could finish the drawing. Starla and mommy just loved watching your creative process. You were very, very passionate.

I am so glad the we decided to paint one of the walls in your room with chalkboard paint. What a nice papa you have. He did all of the painting and made your room so beautiful. No wonder you made him this picture.

I look forward to watching you grow as an artist and as a person.

Love you.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sleeping with Sticks

Dear Elzora,

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday I pick you up from school and you walk on your own to the edge of the forest stopping to investigate every interesting puddle, rock, bug, leaf, etc. Once we get to the woods you hop in the stroller and enjoy your afternoon nap. During the summer you picked flowers and held them in your hands while you slept. Now that those long, lazy, lovely beautiful days of summer have been replaced by the gray, rainy days of Swedish winter you have resorted to picking up sticks. Here is a picture of you sleeping the other day after school that I took with my cell phone.
You are so cool. I love you.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Baby Bathing Beauties

Dear Elzora,

I love this video of you and your sister taking your first bath together. Papa prepared the bath, so that is why it is so sudsy. I love my two little water babies!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Apple of Mommy's Eye

Dear Elzora,

You are definitely the apple of mommy's eye, and there are so many new things you can do now that you are 2 years old! You recently learned to do somersaults, you can peel and eat a hard boiled egg all by yourself, you can walk up and down stairs without holding my hand and you can eat an entire apple with the peel and everything (but you think the apple seeds are spiders and you get scared sometimes). Oh, and you understand 2 languages! You only speak Swedish but you CAN speak English when necessary. I just want you to know how amazing you are and how much we love you. Thank you for being such a good girl and for helping me so much with Starla.
I am looking forward to having a lot of fun this winter. It might be cold and gray outside but you brighten mommy's days more than you will ever know.

I love you, Elzo!!


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Dear Elzora,

Today is Halloween, but we actually got dressed up last night because farmor and farfar are going to celebrate Jerry's 60th birthday tonight and they won't be home. You were dressed as a beautiful Hawaiian hula girl (thank you Liisa and Jer!) and Starla was a Indian-inspired little prince. We also stopped over to say hello to our lovely, lovely neighbors Erica, Susanne and Molly. What a fun night! And yes, you can see from your face that you are a full-fledged candy-eater at this point in your life.

Happy Halloween to all our family and friends around the world. Be safe and have fun!
Happy belated birthday to Jerry.

And.... Happy Birthday, McKenna!!! We hope you get a chance to see the ghost that haunts the hotel in San Francisco where you will be spending the night tonight.

I love you Elzora.

Happy Halloween & Aloha!!


Friday, October 16, 2009

More Boobies! Breast Cancer Awareness Month Project

Dear Elzora,

If you are reading this than you are definitely aware of the fact that October is breast cancer awareness month. Well this year mommy is participating in a very cool project to help raise money to fight the battle against breast cancer.

Ella's mommy, Matilda Karlsson, is working with the award-winning, Swedish photographer, Ann Sofie Ekman, to create an awesome event to raise money for Bröstcancerfonden.

If you are reading this and live in Sweden, you must visit Blommon i Byn between October 22-25 and give what you can to help win the battle against breast cancer.

Mommy is participating in this event for all of the women in her life that have died, survived or are living with breast cancer. I love you all and we will find a cure!


PS Now you will always know what mommy's boobs looked life when she was 36.5 and breastfeeding Starla.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Party, Elzora!!

Dear Elzora,

As I write this entry you are almost exactly 2 years old. I can't believe it! You are such a wonderful, beautiful and unique little girl.

You had quite a birthday day. First off to school at 7am where you celebrated with your friends and schoolmates and went for an outing in the forest. Mama picked you up at the usual time and you walked halfway home with your boots on and I don't think you missed one pudle of water!

After your 2 hour nap, you got your gifts from mama, papa and Starla. I'd like to think that your best gift was the dollhouse or maybe the iPod, but I think that you liked the glue stick the most. Starla liked the ribbons and the paper the most!

At 6 o'clock we went to our favorite pizza place and had a wonderful dinner with our friends and family and you had your very first lollipop. You loved it and wanted everyone to taste it. You are such a good little girl. This doesn't mean you can eat candy, now! It was your birthday and mommy had a weak moment.

After our bellies were full of pizza we came back home so you could open the rest of your presents. You got such cool gifts from everyone! Your doll house doesn't look so empty, now. In addition to the dollhouse furniture you received a beautiful handmade sweater, Play-Doh, puzzles, a new Pippi book and a lot more. I can't wait to play with you tomorrow. And you have more presents coming from Liisa and Grandma Mary Jo.

But for now you are asleep and I hope you are dreaming wonderful dreams and that you feel safe and loved and happy as you start your third year as my little, baby girl.

Thank you to everyone for helping us celebrate our beautiful Elzora!!

I love you.
Happy Party!


PS This is a picture of you from the party. You decided to put on your heels and get out your cowgirl hat. Yeee-haaaw!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Elzora or Starla? (II)

Dear Elzora,

I couldn't resist!! I just love looking at pictures of you and your sister. You are both just so adorable. Just like your papa! We are home today and the weather is rainy and dark. But Starla is going to start eating solid foods today so that should give us a little sunshine! Hello, sweet potato!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Elzora or Starla?

Dear Elzora,

Do you know which one of these little scrunched up noses belongs to you and which one belongs to your little sister, Starla? Check Starla's blog for the picture from today and you can find out.
I know this is your blog, but mommy just has to let everyone know that today Starla Grace turns .5 years old. I hope Starla has enjoyed her 6 months of life with our crazy family. She sure is a perfect little girl. Just like you, Elzora.

I need to get the video camera out soon, because you are talking more and more every day.
Today you said Pippi Långstrump (not just Pippi).

Oh and you got a package today from Grandma Mary Jo. You loved it. Lots of tractor related items. Did I mention that you LOVE tractors?
Thank you Grandma Mary Jo!!!

I love you, Elzora.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Elzora is the Sh*t!

Dear Elzora,

Today you said your own name for the very first time!!
You also played with Play-Doh.

You're awesome!


PS Happy Birthday, Anton!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Show me your Boobies!!

Dear Elzora,
When we were in Belize Amanda bought papa this boobie necklace, and you just love it. To me it feels like you are trying to show your support for mom's breastfeeding with Starla since you know I had a tough time getting started. Thanks for being so supportive!

It's hard to believe that fall is definitely on its way. You have your first full week (15 hours) of preschool this week. The first day back went just fine and I think it is going to be a good year for you. And your 2nd birthday is less than 2 months away. Any wishes? I think we are going to get you the Stockholm doll house and maybe an iPod shuffle since you like music so much. Do you like the pink one? Red? They make child-safe headphones so you will be protected. Since we do a lot of driving in the car and traveling, I think it makes sense. And you know our policy of no kids music in the car... sorry!

Papa is working a lot and mama is busy taking care of her baby girls and making plans for opening her store. More on that later.

We are all thinking of Grandpa Ace in Indiana. He is home from the hospital and Grandma Mary Jo says his spirits are high and that he likes having someone around the house 24 hours a day. I wish we could visit him. We love you, Grandpa Ace!!

And I love you Elzora!!


Friday, August 7, 2009


Dear Elzora,

Last week your farmor and farfar treated us to an afternoon at Liseberg. The very best part was seeing your face light up every time you went on the carousel. Thank you Bojan and Bengt for your generosity!


Sunday, July 19, 2009


Dear Elzora,

Mommy got a YouTube account so collect videos of you and your sister.

Love your dancin' booty!


Crazy Crazy Cute

Dear Elzora,

I just love these pictures!

Love you.


Big Girl Shoes!

Dear Elzora,

I am posting this picture for Auntie Christine. I hope she enjoys it. You are really, really good at walking in high heels even if they are are on the wrong feet.

Love you.

Mommy Elzora Time!

Dear Elzora,

I love when we get a few moments to sneak away, just the two of us. Most recently we had the opportunity to slip over to the neighbors house when they were away and use their swing set. You love it and I love to see you so happy. Thank you to Miranda for keeping an eye on Starla so that we could spend some much needed time alone.

I love you so much.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Dear Elzora,

This picture was taken of mama and papa 3 years ago when we got engaged on the beach in Varberg. So much has happened in the last 3 years!! I am so happy that I met your papa and that I have you and Starla. I love you all so much!!

Do you like my yellow nails?

Thank you for the roses Andreas!


Friday, July 10, 2009