When we were in Belize Amanda bought papa this boobie necklace, and you just love it. To me it feels like you are trying to show your support for mom's breastfeeding with Starla since you know I had a tough time getting started. Thanks for being so supportive!
It's hard to believe that fall is definitely on its way. You have your first full week (15 hours) of preschool this week. The first day back went just fine and I think it is going to be a good year for you. And your 2nd birthday is less than 2 months away. Any wishes? I think we are going to get you the Stockholm doll house and maybe an iPod shuffle since you like music so much. Do you like the pink one? Red? They make child-safe headphones so you will be protected. Since we do a lot of driving in the car and traveling, I think it makes sense. And you know our policy of no kids music in the car... sorry!
Papa is working a lot and mama is busy taking care of her baby girls and making plans for opening her store. More on that later.
We are all thinking of Grandpa Ace in Indiana. He is home from the hospital and Grandma Mary Jo says his spirits are high and that he likes having someone around the house 24 hours a day. I wish we could visit him. We love you, Grandpa Ace!!
And I love you Elzora!!