Saturday, November 21, 2009

Artist in Residence!

Dear Elzora,

On Thursdays you don't have school and you spend your days at home with mama and Starla having all kinds of fun. Well this past Thursday you spent a lot of time in your room. You told me that you were making a picture for papa called "Papa's Eyes" or "Papa's Ögon" in Swedish. You actually worked on the picture throughout the day and you even emptied out your Lego bin so that you could finish the drawing. Starla and mommy just loved watching your creative process. You were very, very passionate.

I am so glad the we decided to paint one of the walls in your room with chalkboard paint. What a nice papa you have. He did all of the painting and made your room so beautiful. No wonder you made him this picture.

I look forward to watching you grow as an artist and as a person.

Love you.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sleeping with Sticks

Dear Elzora,

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday I pick you up from school and you walk on your own to the edge of the forest stopping to investigate every interesting puddle, rock, bug, leaf, etc. Once we get to the woods you hop in the stroller and enjoy your afternoon nap. During the summer you picked flowers and held them in your hands while you slept. Now that those long, lazy, lovely beautiful days of summer have been replaced by the gray, rainy days of Swedish winter you have resorted to picking up sticks. Here is a picture of you sleeping the other day after school that I took with my cell phone.
You are so cool. I love you.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Baby Bathing Beauties

Dear Elzora,

I love this video of you and your sister taking your first bath together. Papa prepared the bath, so that is why it is so sudsy. I love my two little water babies!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Apple of Mommy's Eye

Dear Elzora,

You are definitely the apple of mommy's eye, and there are so many new things you can do now that you are 2 years old! You recently learned to do somersaults, you can peel and eat a hard boiled egg all by yourself, you can walk up and down stairs without holding my hand and you can eat an entire apple with the peel and everything (but you think the apple seeds are spiders and you get scared sometimes). Oh, and you understand 2 languages! You only speak Swedish but you CAN speak English when necessary. I just want you to know how amazing you are and how much we love you. Thank you for being such a good girl and for helping me so much with Starla.
I am looking forward to having a lot of fun this winter. It might be cold and gray outside but you brighten mommy's days more than you will ever know.

I love you, Elzo!!
