In her epic novel/poem Aurora Leigh Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote "I felt a mother-want about the world." For some reason this line has stayed with me and I vowed that I would do whatever I could do to prevent my own children from feeling this way. Of course I know that a blog can't prevent you from feeling loneliness, anger or sadness, but it can be a place for you to come and read about your history, your life and hopefully have a good laugh.
I've created this blog so that you can always have my words, thoughts and often silly ideas available to you. I don't pretend to know everything, and I've definitely made my share of mistakes. But I love you and I want to be the best mom in the whole-wide world.
Today you are 3 months old and at this time you are sleeping right in front of me in your little baby gym. You are the cutest thing I've ever seen. I think you are so tired because yesterday you started your baby swim class. You loved it. I was a nervous wreck and I was shaking all day.
I've only been your mother for three months and the baby swim yesterday was sort of our mother-daughter debut. I think we did great, considering I don't speak Swedish and I had no idea how I was going to give you and me a shower without dropping you. But it went fine and you were as calm as could be. Good girl!
Happy Birthday, Elzora!!
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