Dear Elzora,
I can not believe that we've already been back from Michigan for a week and that it's been almost one month since my last blog entry! In my defense, we have both been massively jet lagged since we returned from Michigan last Sunday. I mean, it's fun sleeping in, but it's no fun staying up until 1am watching Sesame Street videos. But as of yesterday, I feel like we are getting back on track.
So, Michigan... What a fabulous trip we had!!On the first day mommy and daddy went canoeing on the Au Sable with Susan and Russ. The weather was perfect and it was so great to just relax, get a little exercise and catch up with an old friend on her birthday. You stayed at home with G

We had a wonderful time staying at Grandma's house. She and the girls just loved you and daddy, and they bought you so many cool presents. I already mentioned the mushroom pool, but you also got tons of clothes, a gigantic bag of plastic balls, books, Barbies, a doll house and lots more. You are definitely a very loved little girl.
Without a doubt the best part of the vacation for you, Elzora, was spending time with your good friend Ruby Stirling!! And mommy and daddy definitely enjoyed spendin

We also spent some time with Grandpa Mac and his wife Marilyn. And they loaded you up with gifts and clothes, too. And Grandpa Mac made you your very own swing that you just loved. They also hosted a BBQ for us and it was so much fun. Marilyn made all kinds of food. It was quite the spread. And best of all some of mommy's oldest and dearest friends showed up. It was so great to see Ronnie and his family, Markey and Nikki, Brent Church and his new BMW and Karen and her girls. We couldn't have asked for a nicer get together. And you had watermelon for the first time and just loved it. You weren't in a very good mood at the BBQ, but I know why because the day after the event your 7th tooth broke through on the bottom. Ouch!!
be so excited about going to a town called Gaylord. But he explained that he had to go because of Gaylord Focker. We actually had a very nice time walking around the city of Gaylord with it's faux Alpine motif. A man at a store called Trash told us that there weren't any gay people in Gaylord and invited us to be friends with him on myspace.
I really thought you were going to take your first step while we were in Michigan, but it didn't happen. You were so, so close. I know that you will be bipedal by the end of this week. I just know it. BTW, you will be 11 months old tomorrow. It's hard to believe that we are
only 1 month away from your 1st birthday. I can't wait to see what happens when you get to try ice cream and cake for the first time. I told daddy that I wanted to take you out for sushi on your first birthday, but he's not that into it. I mean, come on, you already eat pickled herring!
Thank you so much to Grandma Mary Jo, Jessie, Miranda, Kayla, Pascha, Brian, Zoey, Ruby, Grandpa Mac & Marilyn, Danielle & Tessa, Karen and the girls and Susan & Russ for making our first to Michigan as a family one kick ass adventure (don't say "ass" Elzora!)
Love, Mommy
Daddy's one request during our trip was that we visit the town of Gaylord. He saw it on the map before we left Sweden. At first I was a little puzzled as to why daddy would

I really thought you were going to take your first step while we were in Michigan, but it didn't happen. You were so, so close. I know that you will be bipedal by the end of this week. I just know it. BTW, you will be 11 months old tomorrow. It's hard to believe that we are

Thank you so much to Grandma Mary Jo, Jessie, Miranda, Kayla, Pascha, Brian, Zoey, Ruby, Grandpa Mac & Marilyn, Danielle & Tessa, Karen and the girls and Susan & Russ for making our first to Michigan as a family one kick ass adventure (don't say "ass" Elzora!)
Love, Mommy
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