Dear Elzora,
Sorry I haven't written anything in the last couple of weeks! Mommy and daddy have been busy trying to figure out where and when you are going to start preschool. We put you on the list for a school just 2 weeks after you were born, knowing that we needed a place for you when you turned 1 year old. After some surprisingly frustrating moments, I'm happy to inform you that in February you will be starting at the beautiful Montessori school just down the road from our home. Mommy and daddy just fell in love with the little school when we went to visit and we know that you will just love it there, too. The best part is that mommy will get to stay home with you until February... so the fun continues. I'm just thrilled to have this time with you, my little princess girl.
I didn't write anything about your actual birthday day, but it was just fantastic. I woke you up singing Happy Birthday, which you weren't too pleased about but we had a delicious scrambled egg breakfast to make up for it. Then we were off to the baby singing group. They sang Happy Birthday to you in Swedish and we had a super good time. After, that we went with Jessica and Baby Becca to Rhodos and you had some of your very own cheese pizza and so did Rebecca. After the pizza we went to the toy store and I bought you a little toy cell phone that you really loved and a metallic stuffed frog that is very very heave and really not meant for anyone under 5, but it was so adorable I had to get it. After we walked home, you got a book club order with some really cool books that you loved (one book had a toy horn that actually honked) and we went out to dinner at a restaurant on the lake. You barely made it through dinner without falling asleep. I think it was the combination of all the heavy food, new tastes and fun... but it was your first birthday and I wanted you to go crazy. Or maybe I wanted to go crazy. I'm not sure. But it was a great birthday day and you looked so cute in your little Juicy Couture outfit and pink Converse. You are the most beautiful little girl inside and out.
By the way, the ultrasound for Baby Yeah Yeah (your name for the new baby) was awesome. I could have watched the screen forever. He/She looks happy, healthy and cozy. The midwife says she is due to arrive on March 22nd, but they predict that I will go over the due date again, like I did with you. So maybe your new little brother or sister will arrive in April? It would be nice if Baby Yeah Yeah arrived on the 22nd, because it's Pascha's birthday. Mommy's birthday is March 30th, so that would be fun, too. We are all very excited.
More soon.
PS You have a whole bunch of teeth coming in now!
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