Dear Elzora,
Pappa Andreas and I decided that we wanted to get you a little doll for Christmas. While we were out shopping we kept finding plastic dolls with plastic hair that just didn't look very sweet or very cuddly or very fun. Pappa didn't want anything that required batteries and he wanted to find a doll with "real" hair. I just wanted to find something super cute like my own little Elzora doll.
Just when we were kind of giving up on the idea of getting you a doll at all, mommy noticed a box up on the highest shelf in the the doll department. Pappa was able to reach the package and to my surprise... it was a Cabbage Patch Kid! I was shocked. I thought that they had stopped making these dolls years ago. I just couldn't believe it and I told daddy how much I LOVED my two CPKs when I was a little girl and how Grandma Mary Jo could only find one of these dolls the first year they were out in the US and my sister Jessie and I had to share one doll that Christmas. But we didn't care, we were just so happy to have one. Pascha also got one for a present that year from her parents. Her name was Olive Jean. For some reason I can't remember the names of my CPKs but I do remember that they were both girls and that one of them came from Spain and we bought it at the Sears catalog store in Grayling, Michigan.
I don't think pappa reallly had a choice when it came down to the decision of whether or not to buy the doll. I mean, I think I was walking on air for the rest of the day just remembering how happy I had been back in the day when I got to adopt my very own CPK. It felt so good to buy that same doll for my own daughter.
Thankfully, when you opened the box on Christmas Eve that contained your very own little baby girl, Charlotte Carmen, you were also filled with excitement and joy and you gave your new little adopted dolly a great big mommy Elzora hug.
It was a wonderful Chrismtas for all of us.
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