Dear Elzora,
Today is Monday and we are not going to get out of our pajamas all day!! It feels wonderful to just take it easy and relax and be together. This week you will go to The Ladybug on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9-11. It is going very, very well and you are going to be very happy there. Last week you did your first 2 paintings at school, and I am, of course, completely impressed by your artistic ability. You have been coloring with crayons and pens for some time now and you've also done some experimenting with clay. Ethel said that when you saw one of the other children painting she asked if you would like to try and you said clearly "Ja!" You amaze me every day and I fall more and more in love with you by the minute.
You have 6 teeth coming in right now, and you are handling it SO well. A couple of nights you've woken up crying, but you went right back to sleep after realizing that I was there with you and everything was okay. It must be so painful for you. I'm sorry. You like it when I massage your gums, but sometimes you try to bite me and then you laugh really hard. Very funny, Elzora!!
Yesterday was February 22nd and the new baby is due to arrive March 22nd. Last week I had to have an extra ultrasound to make sure the baby was head down. It seems that your little brother or sister is in position. You don't like it when mommy has to go to the midwife and I try to schedule things so that you can be with Farmor, but this week we have to go on Thursday at 3pm and Farmor Bojan will be working. I am sorry that it scares you so much. Just know that mommy is fine and that it will soon be over and you will be a big sister. I know it's going to be a big change for you, but I only have positive thoughts about the baby coming.
I would like to write more but you are super stinky and I need to go down and change your diaper!!
I love you.
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