Dear Elzora,
What a week! It is not easy being a big girl and getting up at 6am so that daddy can drop you off at preschool on his way to work. I just want you to know that I understand that you must be a little confused and frustrated and tired. Just know that mommy and daddy are sending you to the preschool for 15 hours a week, so that you can have fun playing, singing and eating with the other kids at The Ladybug. And from the pictures Ethel has been taking of you in action, you are having a blast. I know you cry sometimes, and that is okay. Just know that mommy or daddy or farmor or farfar will ALWAYS come and get you. We love you and we miss you just as much as you miss us, if not more!!
Your first big girl day at the school was on Tuesday. When I woke you up at 6:15 you were not really ready to drink välling, so I just got you dressed and you and pappa left around 6:50am.
You cried when pappa left you, but Ethel was there to help you and she said you stopped crying just after he left. She said that you cried on and off during the morning but that you enjoyed seeing the other kids and still had fun. You didn't eat any breakfast or fruit but you were really happy when it was time to go and play outside. Ethel called mamma at 10:30 and asked if I could come and get you at 11 instead of 11:45. She said that you were really tired and she was worried that maybe you were hungry, too. When I picked you up, you were outside and I will never, ever forget the look on your face when you saw me. You just kind of fell apart. I know how that feels when you just can't hold it together anymore. You are such a strong little girl.
Mamma barely got you in the stroller before you fell to sleep. You stayed asleep for 3 hours. When you woke up I fed you some yummy lunch, gave you a warm bath and then gave you a massage with your favorite lotion that daddy bought for you. Then I held you and fed you your välling. I just want you to feel how much mommy and daddy love you and want you to feel secure.
On Wednesday you went back to the preschool. We had a wonderful start to the day. Mommy got up a bit earlier and you enjoyed half a bottle of välling and you were very happy to leave with pappa. Ethel called mamma around 10 and said you were just delightful!! You loved the singing and actually went and played and left Ethel's side. You ate nearly an entire apple and you ate lunch with the other kids! You loved being outside and had a great time. When I picked you up at 11:30 you still cried when you saw me, but it was different. It was more like "Mom, I did it!"
And I am so proud of you. We will go again tomorrow, Friday, and this time we will bring some fruit for you and an extra välling just in case you need it.
And then it is the weekend and we will be home with pappa. Siri will come to our house on Saturday and we will go to Susanne, Erica and Molly's to celebrate Susanne finishing her book. We will also be celebrating her birthday which happened on March 2nd, Happy Birthday, Susanne!
I love you Elzora.
PS I want to say a special thank you to Ethel and the other grown-ups for taking such good care of Elzora and all the other little ones. I also want to say thank you to little Tuva for being such a good friend to Elzora. You are a sweet little girl. Your parents must be so proud of you.
PSS Välling is a formula-type vitamin and mineral drink that we give to our children in Scandinavia after they stop with breastfeeding or baby formula. Elzora loves it.
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