On Monday you had your very first dental appointment and you totally impressed me by being a really good girl and saying "ahh" when the dentist asked you to open your mouth (just like we practiced at home).
I am not sure if the woman that examined you was the dentist or the dental assistant, but she gave us a lot of good information. You have 8 teeth on top and 8 on the bottom, which is kind of a lot for your age but absolutely fine. You are too young to worry about flossing (sorry) and we should wait with candy as long as possible which has not been a problem so far. She also told us that you shouldn't have any sugary drinks at all. You mainly drink water, but you do have a little OJ on occasion. You actually ask for juice quite a bit, but I think that you think milk is called juice. Mommy will be better about just sticking to water when you are thirsty.
The dentist also informed us that it is very important to let the teeth rest completely for 2.5 hours between meals and snacks. Good to know! She was very happy to learn that you don't use a pacifier or suck your thumb. Good work, Elzora!
Hopefully we will have no reason to visit your dentist again until you are 3 years old.
And if we stay in Sweden, you and your sister have free dental care until you are 18.
Keep on brushin'!