
Dear Elzora,
Miranda is here!!! And she brought with her a whole bag of goodies. Here are some pictures of you enjoying all of the wonderful presents. What a lucky girl you are. You are especially enjoying the grocery basket full of fake produce and other food items. You still LOVE playing fika-time and you are continually offering mommy pieces of pie. I hope I don't get fat! (But please don't use the word fat. It is not a nice word. Or stupid. I don't like that word either.)
Mommy is really enjoying having her sister here. When does a grown woman have the opportunity to spend an entire summer living with her little sister? I feel so lucky.
Maybe with Miranda here we can do even more fun things together. Unfortunately the weather has been totally confusing, so we have spent a lot of time in the house, but we have been doing lots of painting and playing.
You were supposed to go to preschool today, but you were awake a lot in the night. It's weird because you weren't crying or sick or anything. You were actually singing and talking and in a very happy mood. I sure hope we get some sleep tonight because daddy has to go to Stockholm tomorrow and I think you would enjoy spending a few hours at preschool with the kids tomorrow.
I love you and Miranda and your sister and daddy very much.
PS Mommy must say a special thank you to Grandma Mary Jo and Aunt Jessie for all of the awesome gifts. Thank you!! xoxo
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