Dear Elzora,
It all started a few weeks ago when you were walking Ozzy with daddy in Timmele. I wasn't with you, but apparently a low flying plane flew over the three of you and scared you to the bone. You started shaking and crying and you were both terrified and intrigued. That moment changed you.
For a while whenever you heard a plane, a boat or a car you would just freeze and start shaking and crying. You didn't want to go outside and you were having a hard time at preschool. Even the sound or sight of a lawn mower could paralyze you.
But of late it seems that you have turned your fear into an obsession. You recently went on a weekend trip with farmor and farfar and went on your first ferry ride. I think you now use the word båt (the Swedish word for boat) 50,000 times a day and you would be perfectly happy to watch YouTube videos of airplanes and boats for hours at a time.
You are definitely getting better about being outside, which is very good considering the days of summer are upon us. It helps that you love to badda (play in the pool) and baka kaka (play in the sandbox). But I think this obsession will be around for a while. Maybe you will be a pilot? Or a sea captain? Or the first female F1 driver?
I will try to find a picture of you with an airplane or a båt to put with this post. For now, I've included a picture of you and papa at the airport from our trip to Michigan last year.
I love you.
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