Yesterday we went to a birthday party for our dear little Siri Luhao Wallin. Your extra special cousin is turning 3 years old on July 2nd and her mom and dad gave her a super fun birthday party to celebrate her special day.
Siri got all kinds of cool gifts. She loves horses so we got her some sweet little horses to play with and also a a charm bracelet with a July birthstone charm. She liked her gifts very much and was very excited. She also got a toy vacuum as a gift that I think was definitely one of her favorites, and the fake vacuum noise could be heard throughout the entire party. She is definitely a girl that likes to stay busy.
Siri is your extra special cousin because she came to us all the way from China. We love her very much. Siri is also mommy and daddy's god daughter. We are very proud of her. She is a strong little girl who loves life and brings a lot of happiness into our hearts.
I know you two will be very close.
This weekend was actually a very busy one. In addition to attending Siri's party on Sunday, on Friday night mommy and daddy and Auntie Linda and Uncle Morgan went to a pre-party for Rosemarie's 40th birthday next year. It was really fun and mommy and daddy had a chance to dance together for the first time. You and Siri stayed with farmor and farfar. I think that you had a lot of fun. Mommy and daddy had too much fun, but it was definitely worth it.
On Saturday the entire Karlsson clan attended Johanna's confirmation. It felt like a coming of age celebration more than a religious rite of passage and that's pretty cool. Obviously it is a tradition in the family. If you choose to be confirmed we will have a party for you, and if you don't, we will still have a party!!
You have learned to shake your head back and forth, but you can't nod your head. So you are currently saying no to everything. I think that you are about to clearly say your first word. I wonder what it will be. The strange thing is that sometimes you will hear a word and it sounds like you repeat the word, but you only say it once and then you make some other crazy baby sound. It's almost like you are teasing us. I love it!
Spain won the UEFA European Football Championship. Congratulations Spain!
And Happy Happy Birthday, Siri!
PS In this picture Siri is wearing all of Mommy's necklaces.
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