Dear Elzora,
We just returned from a fantastic Midsummer celebration with daddy, farmor and farfar at the sea. You enjoyed the celebration very much and tasted your first Swedish strawberries and even sampled some sill. Farmor Bojan and farfar Bengt made you a midsommarkrans to wear and amazingly you kept it on your head for quite a while. You were a little too small to dance around the midsommarstång but farfar held you and you loved watching the other children sing and dance.
Of course we were all thinking of Donald, but we turned our our thoughts of sadness to thoughts of celebration and raised our glasses to Donald. On the drive to Varberg, daddy played songs that reminded him of his uncle and we had a nice ride to the caravan. The weather was rainy but we had our little sunshine girl, Elzora!
During the trip mom was able to finish the first book of fiction she has read since you were born, Cannery Row by John Steinbeck. It was a gift from Auntie Liisa. She bought it for mommy when we visited Monterey, California. It will be in the library and you can read it when you are older. I fell in love with the characters and I'm sure that you will, too. It was wonderful to take the time to indulge in reading such a wonderfully written book.
Over the weekend you started making a clicking sound with your tongue.
You are very proud of yourself and I'm proud of you, too.
We got our tickets for Michigan. We are going to be in town for Ruby Stirling's first birthday.
Mommy is counting the days.
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