Dear Elzora,
I know that this is not an easy time for you. It is not easy to share mommy when you are used to having her all to yourself. But just know that I love you more and more every day. Thank you for trying to be patient when mommy is feeding the baby. I love that you want to hold her and be close to her and kiss her and tickle her. I don't love that sometimes you want to hit Starla or hit mommy or daddy, but I know that this only happens when you are over-tired or very hungry. It must be really hard for you to understand what is happening. Just know that things will calm down soon and summer will be here and we can play outside and go to the park and be together and be happy.
I still can't believe how much you love to draw and color and paint. You are so focused. I love spending time with you and watching you play and grow.
Please try to be a little kinder to daddy when he is putting you to bed. He is so patient with you and loves you very much.
I love you.
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