This picture is actually from November of 2008, but I just love it so much, and it is an appropriate image for this blog entry.
I just have to let you know that last Friday when I picked you up from The Ladybug Ethel informed me that you had asked for the potty chair earlier that day and that you went pee pee for the first time like a big girl. So cool! The funny thing is that since you are only 1.5 years old, we haven't even really thought about potty training, but you are obviously learning a lot from the children and adults you spend 15 hours a week with at school.
As you can imagine I was feeling a little bit sad that I had missed such a big moment, but then on Sunday you were at home with me and papa and Starla and you gasped and looked at me and pointed to your baby booty. I grabbed your hand and we took off your diaper and put you on the potta (Swedish name for potty chair) and you made one little poop!
It hasn't happened again that we've made it to the potta in time for you to do your business, but I think it is just super fantastic that you are thinking about such things. I am so proud.
Ethel says you are a really nice girl at school and that you talk all the time and you are always singing. I am glad that you are so satisfied and that you enjoy life so much. You are currently obsessed with going to the playground or lekplats to "gung-gung" on the swings. You also can't wait to get to the sandbox to "kaka" or make a dirt pie.
We definitely still have some rough times at home when you get tired or hungry and you just want mommy to hold you, but I have to take care of Starla and you. But, we are getting there and it gets better every day. On some days I wish you could just get mad at me and tell me that you are angry that you have to share me, but I am sure the words will come soon enough and until then we just both have to be patient and love one another with all our hearts.
I love you soooooooooooo much.
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