Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Dear Elzora,

Today is Halloween, but we actually got dressed up last night because farmor and farfar are going to celebrate Jerry's 60th birthday tonight and they won't be home. You were dressed as a beautiful Hawaiian hula girl (thank you Liisa and Jer!) and Starla was a Indian-inspired little prince. We also stopped over to say hello to our lovely, lovely neighbors Erica, Susanne and Molly. What a fun night! And yes, you can see from your face that you are a full-fledged candy-eater at this point in your life.

Happy Halloween to all our family and friends around the world. Be safe and have fun!
Happy belated birthday to Jerry.

And.... Happy Birthday, McKenna!!! We hope you get a chance to see the ghost that haunts the hotel in San Francisco where you will be spending the night tonight.

I love you Elzora.

Happy Halloween & Aloha!!


Friday, October 16, 2009

More Boobies! Breast Cancer Awareness Month Project

Dear Elzora,

If you are reading this than you are definitely aware of the fact that October is breast cancer awareness month. Well this year mommy is participating in a very cool project to help raise money to fight the battle against breast cancer.

Ella's mommy, Matilda Karlsson, is working with the award-winning, Swedish photographer, Ann Sofie Ekman, to create an awesome event to raise money for Bröstcancerfonden.

If you are reading this and live in Sweden, you must visit Blommon i Byn between October 22-25 and give what you can to help win the battle against breast cancer.

Mommy is participating in this event for all of the women in her life that have died, survived or are living with breast cancer. I love you all and we will find a cure!


PS Now you will always know what mommy's boobs looked life when she was 36.5 and breastfeeding Starla.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Party, Elzora!!

Dear Elzora,

As I write this entry you are almost exactly 2 years old. I can't believe it! You are such a wonderful, beautiful and unique little girl.

You had quite a birthday day. First off to school at 7am where you celebrated with your friends and schoolmates and went for an outing in the forest. Mama picked you up at the usual time and you walked halfway home with your boots on and I don't think you missed one pudle of water!

After your 2 hour nap, you got your gifts from mama, papa and Starla. I'd like to think that your best gift was the dollhouse or maybe the iPod, but I think that you liked the glue stick the most. Starla liked the ribbons and the paper the most!

At 6 o'clock we went to our favorite pizza place and had a wonderful dinner with our friends and family and you had your very first lollipop. You loved it and wanted everyone to taste it. You are such a good little girl. This doesn't mean you can eat candy, now! It was your birthday and mommy had a weak moment.

After our bellies were full of pizza we came back home so you could open the rest of your presents. You got such cool gifts from everyone! Your doll house doesn't look so empty, now. In addition to the dollhouse furniture you received a beautiful handmade sweater, Play-Doh, puzzles, a new Pippi book and a lot more. I can't wait to play with you tomorrow. And you have more presents coming from Liisa and Grandma Mary Jo.

But for now you are asleep and I hope you are dreaming wonderful dreams and that you feel safe and loved and happy as you start your third year as my little, baby girl.

Thank you to everyone for helping us celebrate our beautiful Elzora!!

I love you.
Happy Party!


PS This is a picture of you from the party. You decided to put on your heels and get out your cowgirl hat. Yeee-haaaw!!